Scientific writing for publications - PhD kurzus

2015. február 26.

Tigyi Gábor Professzor Úr március 16 és 19 között egy nagyon tartalmas és hasznos angol nyelvű PhD kurzust tart "Scientific writing for publications" címmel. A foglalkozások 14 órakor kezdődnek a Biofizikai Intézet tanácstermében.

Jelentkezni a email címen lehet. A kurzus interaktív formája miatt max. 20-25 fő jelentkezését tudjuk elfogadni, a jelentkezés sorrendjében.

PhD hallgatóknak a sikeres vizsga esetén 1 kredit jár.

A kurzus tematikája

Monday, March 16
Introduction, Organization of a Research Article, Title, Statement of Purpose, Authorship issues. Preparing an Abstract.

Tuesday, March 17
Materials and Methods. Presenting Your Data: Results, Tables, and Figures, Digital images – new guidelines for publication. Discussion: A Leap of Faith? References.

Wednesday, March 18
Writing style: A Weak Writer Equals a Weak Scientist? Ethics. A Bit of Grammar.

Thursday, March 19
Order of Writing: Overcoming the writer’s block. Getting published: Critiquing Research Papers.

Az előadóról és a kurzusról

Prof. Gábor Tigyi is editorial board member of The Journal of Biological Chemistry and the Biochimica and Biophysica Acta and Guest Editor of the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. As Editor, Reviewer and also as publishing Scientist he has more than 10-year experience in well-designed and weak publications. During His course Students will be guided through good and bad examples to provide insight into the logical planning and preparing of the text, designing meaningful figures and artwork, as well as writing in elegant English and submitting and revising scientific publications. Handy guidelines, tips and practical advice will be provided to early-stage researchers to these essential issues.


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